Discover the Top Workplaces with a 50% Lower Employee Turnover Rate

Have you ever pondered what sets apart a company as one of the “best places to work”? It’s a question that intrigues both employers striving for excellence and employees seeking fulfilling workplaces. In a recent report by WRKplus on the “2023 Best Places to Work”, the insights of 43,047 employees from 101 organisations shed light on…

By Lillie Firth

Have you ever pondered what sets apart a company as one of the “best places to work”?

It’s a question that intrigues both employers striving for excellence and employees seeking fulfilling workplaces. In a recent report by WRKplus on the “2023 Best Places to Work”, the insights of 43,047 employees from 101 organisations shed light on the secrets of these exceptional workplaces. These companies are dedicated to crafting environments where employees thrive. Let’s delve into the strategies that propelled the top-ranked organisations to the zenith of workplace satisfaction.

Meet the Top Five Organisations

Leading the pack among organisations with 100 or more employees in 2023 were:

  1. Coloplast
  2. Jetts Fitness
  3. Hipages Group
  4. Kapitol Group
  5. Avenue Dental

According to Zrinka Lovrencic, CEO of WrkPlus, the hallmark of these organisations is their unwavering commitment to valuing employees’ voices and supporting them amidst the challenges of today’s world, including cost-of-living pressures, flexibility needs, and holistic well-being support.


Extracting Lessons for Your Business

What lessons can your business glean from these top performers? We’ve distilled key strategies aimed at enhancing employee retention rates, applicable whether you’re embarking on the journey or seeking to fortify your existing practices.

1. Cultivate a Healthier Work Environment

Investing in a healthy workplace culture yields substantial dividends. WRKplus’ report underscores the correlation between employee well-being and productivity. By fostering an environment that prioritises mental and physical health, organisations empower their workforce to excel while nurturing meaningful connections among colleagues.

2. Competitive Remuneration

Fair compensation is foundational to employee satisfaction. Stay attuned to industry standards and conduct regular market salary comparisons to ensure your employees feel valued and fairly compensated. The top organisations in retention understand this, with 88% conducting regular salary assessments. At Fuse, we offer free salary benchmarking discussions to help you understand your position in the market.

3. Timely and Actionable Feedback

Effective feedback mechanisms are catalysts for employee engagement and performance improvement. Implementing regular feedback sessions, whether tied to project milestones or annual reviews, fosters a culture of continuous growth. Timely, relevant feedback demonstrates investment in employees’ development, reducing turnover rates by up to 14.9%.

4. Embrace Learning and Development

Personalised development plans for employees signal a commitment to their growth and advancement. Allocating dedicated time for discussions on career aspirations and progress not only enhances retention but also cultivates a culture of learning and innovation.

5. Foster a Supportive Work Environment

Flexibility is paramount in today’s dynamic work landscape. Offering hybrid work arrangements acknowledges employees’ diverse needs and responsibilities, resulting in a 75% higher retention rate for companies that embrace flexibility. Trusting employees to manage their work-life balance enhances loyalty and productivity.


Investing in Your Workforce

Implementing these strategies isn’t merely about ticking boxes; it’s about nurturing a workplace where employees feel valued, motivated, and connected to their roles. By prioritising employee well-being and growth, organisations sow the seeds of commitment, driving performance and innovation to new heights.

The dividends of such investments are evident: heightened engagement, reduced turnover, enhanced innovation, and bolstered profitability. For a deeper dive into optimising employee engagement and retention, explore our blog on crafting an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to attract top talent.


In conclusion, the journey to becoming a top employer is multifaceted but immensely rewarding. By prioritising your workforce, you’re not only fostering a thriving workplace culture but also laying the foundation for sustained success in the ever-evolving business landscape.

If you’re looking for a specialist to partner with, contact our team today to learn what a tailored recruitment solution would look like for your business.

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