Why a Positive Attitude Can Be as Valuable as Experience in the Job Market

When it comes to applying for a new job, many of us hesitate to hit ‘send’ on our application, doubting our skills as we scroll through the long list of job requirements.   Ruling yourself out of jobs you think you’re not qualified for could mean missing out on countless opportunities that might have been perfect…

By Ngochan Lam

When it comes to applying for a new job, many of us hesitate to hit ‘send’ on our application, doubting our skills as we scroll through the long list of job requirements.  

Ruling yourself out of jobs you think you’re not qualified for could mean missing out on countless opportunities that might have been perfect for you. 

Truth is, employers often value a great attitude and a hunger to learn just as much as technical skills. Why? Because while technical skills can be taught, a positive attitude is priceless. 

Here’s how you can demonstrate a great attitude and build on having a positive outlook for future roles.  


Benefits of a positive attitude  

Most employers love a can-do attitude! It shows them you have ambition and are willing to learn new things. Surprisingly, they will often hire someone they believe has the right personality and attitude, even if they don’t tick all the right boxes in terms of experience. 

According to SEEK, “4 out of 5 hirers have employed someone who is enthusiastic, willing to learn and motivated, but who lacks the right technical skills. And 90% of these hirers were happy with that decision.”  

When the candidate is considered a good fit for the workplace, technical skills are considered to be worth teaching.  


Bringing good vibes to work 

Having a great attitude isn’t just about having fun, it also helps employers assess whether you’ll fit into the company culture.  

The good news is that you have more flexibility in how you present yourself! Remember that employers want to hire someone they can sit next to and work on a project. Imagine yourself in their shoes, you wouldn’t want to work next to someone arrogant and unbearable, would you? 

Aussie boss Rachael Wilde, who runs the company TBH skincare, said that job seekers “who stands out are those who can bring a good vibe to work.” She continues to elaborate that these new hires are perfect for teams that lack “energy” and often introduce them to spur the work.  


Ways to develop a positive attitude

Describe yourself with positive words: A simple tip to boost your attitude is changing the way you talk to yourself! We can often be our own harshest critics but shifting how you talk to yourself can make a big difference. Imagine there’s a new position available for promotion. Instead of asking, “Why me?” when you doubt yourself, try asking, “Why not me?” Eventually, the language you use will start to become your daily affirmations to making you a happier person. 


Surround yourself with positive people: You’ve probably heard the saying, “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you who you are,” and there’s definitely some truth to it. Your friends shape your personality, mindset, and how you see the world. This concept extends to the workplace as well. If you find yourself surrounded by coworkers who gossip negatively and make you uncomfortable during lunch, don’t stick with them. Seek out colleagues who are positive and have a brighter outlook on life. Maintaining a positive attitude both at work and home requires you to surround yourself with people who drive you to do your best, enjoy taking obstacles in stride and those who won’t hesitate to support you at your worst moments. 


How to demonstrate a great attitude to your interviewer  

So, you’ve made it past the first phone screening and now you’re getting ready for the interview, here is how to demonstrate your new and improved attitude to your meeting! 

Action-oriented: Employers are all about people who are pumped to learn and get things done quickly. So, when you’re in an interview, don’t just give one-word answers. Outline any new skills you’ve learnt on your own accord, and let them know about the courses, seminars, or cool learning opportunities you’ve grabbed. Show them how these experiences have made you even better at what you do. 


Team-player: Attitude is infectious in the workplace, and this is why employers place high value on staff who are upbeat and optimistic. 

There is currently a trend online where young people share the belief that a person can be recruited based on their attitude, known commonly as the “personality hire,” explained Dr Edith Hill from Flinders University. 

An academic from Griffith Business School, believes that personality hire is a real phenomenon in many workplaces. And it’s easy to see why. These are the folks who light up the office, inspire their colleagues, and lift everyone’s spirits. 

So, you’re telling me I just need to have a good personality to be hired? Don’t get it twisted… Just having a sparkling personality isn’t the only ticket to landing a job. A winning combo of a positive attitude and genuine passion for what you do is the real secret sauce. 


Research: Showing genuine interest in the company is another way to demonstrate your passion. This extends to knowing the company’s competitors to show that you follow the industry. Citing recent innovations or challenges facing the company are other points you may consider. Think of it like studying for an exam: the more you research, the better prepared you’ll be to make a standout impression and show that you’re truly invested in the opportunity. 

Demonstrating your enthusiasm can truly make a difference in landing a role. A positive attitude doesn’t just make you memorable – it places you on a much higher pedestal than other candidates with more qualifications and experience.  

To discover jobs that align perfectly with your positive attitude, contact us today to start actively exploring roles that excite you. 

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